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The Complete Facebook Ads and Marketing Course!
Welcome! What do you get out of this course?
Learn anything you want to about Facebook ads and marketing here! (2:44)
Practice these principles and you will be guaranteed to have success on Facebook.
What you can do to maximize the usefulness of this course. (6:47)
Know what works to get your attention on Facebook and then do that. (5:45)
Share with the least resistance to the people that are most open to your message. (11:43)
Focus on Cost Per Action (CPA) completely and ignore other data. (10:27)
Assume you do not know anything and find what works in the data. (7:45)
The 80/20 principle in Facebook ads and marketing will set you free. (9:30)
Facebook advertising country list for high sales and low cost likes.
Introduction to Facebook marketing! Learn the basics and see where to start.
Welcome to the Facebook marketing for beginners section. (0:40)
What is a Facebook profile? (1:44)
How do you make a good Facebook profile? (2:31)
Where do most users on Facebook spend their time? In the newsfeed. What is it? (4:14)
What is a Facebook page and how can you use it? How do people interact with it? (3:53)
What is a Facebook group? (1:27)
What is an event on Facebook? (2:27)
What is an app on Facebook? (2:31)
80/20 POWER LECTURE! Learn what you do as a user on Facebook. (6:27)
Which to use? Facebook pages, Facebook groups, and/or a Facebook profile? (8:14)
Using your Facebook profile to add friends and message is easiest to start. (5:44)
Making a Facebook group is the easiest way to build relationships. (5:22)
How to create a Facebook group and start it successfully. (10:11)
When is using a Facebook page helpful? (2:05)
How to create a Facebook page and what to name it for best results. (8:06)
How to make a great Facebook page using videos and making helpful posts. (9:53)
Facebook page insights tutorial! Get to know your audience and engagement. (17:26)
How do delete your Facebook page. (0:33)
80/20: What would you be willing to work on every day for free? (8:28)
Introduction to Facebook Advertising!
Facebook ads interface basics. (7:45)
Page post engagement is the objective that performs the best for me. (9:59)
Ads with videos consistently run at the lowest CPM. (9:55)
What is your purpose of advertising on Facebook? (6:31)
80/20 power lecture: strategies for working on Facebook ads. (9:16)
Live tutorial creating a campaign including placement on Instagram! (12:26)
See how to use the reporting features in Facebook ads to measure your ROI. (14:27)
Tracking conversions on your website is critical for measuring ROI. (6:25)
Focus on the results that matter most and avoid being distracted by the rest. (3:46)
Filtering options in the Facebook ads interface. (5:08)
Comparing ad sets is the foundation of improving performance. (7:39)
Analyzing within a Facebook advertising campaign by country. (12:01)
Viewing your Facebook advertising results by placement. (6:24)
Using Facebook ads reports to plan out the next campaign. (3:29)
Introduction to the Facebook ads power editor. (3:09)
How to create a new campaign in the Facebook ads power editor. (10:58)
How to quickly make a lot of unique ads using page posts. (6:03)
80/20 power lecture: steps to take once your ads are submitted and approved. (6:55)
Use the Facebook power editor to quickly copy ad sets and ads. (4:05)
Start Strong with the Best of What I Know About Facebook Marketing and Ads!
What works for me to make money and grow my business on Facebook? (8:20)
See the $0.01 cost per like Facebook ads I am running right now and why I do it! (8:02)
Start with Facebook Groups. Here's why! (8:05)
Best Facebook ads strategy for conversions, affiliate marketing, sales. (4:30)
What I have seen work best for local businesses on Facebook are page events. (3:25)
How to verify your Facebook page, change your page name, and page type. (3:58)
What you can do to avoid your biggest failures with Facebook ads and marketing. (11:27)
Getting started with the ads manager interface.
Quick overview of the newest interface. (5:50)
How to setup a Facebook ads conversion tracking pixel. (4:18)
Facebook page post format I use for website conversion and post ads. (5:38)
Creating an ad for post engagement using a page post targeted to your audience. (10:19)
Analyzing page post and website conversion campaigns. (12:26)
Power editor tutorial with website conversions using a page post. (4:45)
Facebook ads for video views using a page post with the power editor. (6:41)
Creating a Facebook advertising campaign for website clicks in the power editor. (5:09)
Making Facebook ads for conversions, revenue, and building groups.
Using a page post as an ad with the power editor works consistently. (4:50)
Sharing a complete story with no picture in a post gets good feedback. (6:59)
Conversions is the objective that usually gets the best results. (5:00)
Combine a little text, a link, and a simple video for best results. (6:31)
Build a free Facebook group through your website for ongoing relationships. (9:14)
Without proof of results, why keep running the ads? (9:20)
Facebook page like ads for both $0.01 global likes and $0.13 targeted USA likes.
How I am doing likes for my Facebook page. (3:00)
The Facebook ad I am using to promote my page is for building relationships. (6:26)
Targeting settings for low cost likes and using reports to find what works. (4:47)
Creating similar ads quickly for Facebook page likes split tested by ad set. (8:39)
Using Facebook page insights to see where my fans are from and expanding targets. (3:43)
Making more USA ads targeted to friends in specific states and with interests. (5:42)
Facebook ads system for getting great results simply through effort and testing. (5:37)
Eliminating 20 percent of the worst Facebook ads campaigns for likes. (6:35)
Facebook ads for a guaranteed win using a YouTube video post conversion ad.
What I am doing with my own Facebook ads. (8:12)
How I make a page post with a YouTube video that I will use as an ad. (2:03)
Facebook page post ad created quickly with remarketing. (3:17)
Backdating a post and hiding from newsfeed to use as an ad. (5:51)
Using the power editor to quickly make new ad sets for post engagement. (3:54)
Using the power editor export and import to mass change ad sets. (7:11)
How I make 50 ad sets in the power editor in 8 minutes. (8:00)
Analyzing the data and pausing the bottom 50% of ad sets to improve performance. (16:40)
The real work in Facebook ads is sorting through the data to find what works. (16:27)
Using Facebook page post engagement ads to make a website conversion campaign. (4:23)
Creating a new Facebook ad campaign in the power editor for conversions. (9:30)
Facebook ads report. Comparing results by objective! (10:18)
How a local business can be successful on Facebook with ideas and case studies.
Overview of success strategies for Facebook for local businesses and audiences. (4:07)
How to get people talking about your business locally on Facebook. (1:52)
Advertising locally on Facebook is challenging. Here is what might work for you. (3:32)
How to do branding with page posts for a local business on Facebook. (5:18)
Getting likes for your local business page with Facebook ads. (4:04)
The importance of finishing setting up your Facebook page and adding address. (2:05)
Reviews on your local page are nice but not something to get upset about. (1:54)
3 mistakes to avoid when doing your Facebook page for a local audience. (5:54)
$0.00 USA Facebook Ads for Post Engagement, Video Views + Conversions.
Facebook ads for low cost post engagement with a video ad. (10:23)
How to make USA Facebook ads post engagement ad sets fast for the lowest cost. (10:08)
How to find the lowest cost interests and demographics in the USA fast. (10:53)
9,000+ impressions expected for $2 per day Facebook ad budget in the USA! (14:00)
$0.00 Per Post Engagement with USA Facebook Ads. (17:30)
Review of low cost ads for one video and plan to create ads for all videos. (4:56)
Creating multiple video post ads in one ad set for split testing one conversion. (7:42)
Creating Facebook page post video ad campaigns split tested on a landing page. (7:41)
Facebook Business Manager Introduction and Setup.
Facebook Business Manager Setup Step by Step instructions. (4:15)
Facebook ads business manager introduction. (8:22)
Facebook business manager reviewed. (3:10)
Power Editor Website Conversion Post Ads Creation
Power Editor Overview + Conversion Post Creation. (12:12)
Power Edit Fast Campaign Creation for Conversions (18:49)
Power Editor Global Conversion Ads Fast. (19:44)
Analyzing power editor campaigns for conversions. (19:57)
Second wave of ad sets created quickly after analysis. (19:46)
Successful Facebook Ads Campaign Case Study with Analysis. (8:56)
Backdating a post and hiding from newsfeed to use as an ad.
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