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The Complete Golang Course: Beginner to Advanced!
Introduction and Setup
Introduction to the course (2:54)
Setting up Golang (6:23)
Downloading and installing the compiler (5:45)
Golang Fundamentals
Structure (4:37)
Syntax (14:35)
Data types (6:25)
Integer types (7:53)
Variables and Operators
Variables (13:50)
Variable modifications and constants (15:12)
Arithmetic operators (9:58)
Assignment operators (8:50)
Comparison operators (2:13)
Relational operators (15:54)
Logical operators (16:57)
If statements in detail (4:49)
If and else statements (4:44)
If else and else if statements (9:24)
Nested if else and else if statements part 1 (8:32)
Nested if else and else if statements part 2 (10:51)
Switch Statements and For Loops
Switch statements part 1 (12:30)
Switch statements part 2 (9:00)
For loops (9:46)
Golang Functions
Basic functions (6:19)
Function parameters (7:55)
Using multiple parameters in a function (9:28)
Returning function values (5:31)
Returning single or multiple function values (9:27)
Local and global variable scope rule (10:01)
Built-in string functions part 1 (10:31)
Built-in string functions part 2 (16:58)
Built-in math functions part 1 (9:32)
Built-in math functions part 2 (3:59)
Arrays and Pointers
Creating an array and calling it (7:30)
Alternative ways to create arrays (9:14)
Multidimensional arrays (8:10)
Pointers (10:58)
Structures, Slices and Ranges
Understanding structures (5:25)
Structures in functions (7:26)
Understanding slices (11:32)
Ranges in arrays (9:54)
Using range to iterate map (5:18)
Recursive functions (5:24)
Golang Web Development - HTML Basics
HTML basics (9:12)
Simple tags (8:29)
Attributes (3:44)
Fixed attributes (2:45)
Documenting and commenting (2:50)
Linking methods (9:01)
Images (7:46)
Tabulating (3:25)
Iframe (5:42)
Header tag (8:58)
Forms (8:29)
Semantic markup (5:09)
Ordered and unordered lists (3:59)
Nested ordered and unordered lsts (4:18)
CSS Basics
CSS ID and class selectors (12:18)
Background properties (8:24)
Box model (6:18)
Layout float and clear properties (11:11)
Position property (7:09)
Basic Website Structure
Page structure basics and building a header (6:59)
Designing the navbar (6:15)
Designing the main area and footer (7:01)
Bootstrap Framework
Intro to the Bootstrap CSS Framework (4:17)
Typography options (7:07)
Color options (5:14)
Creating tables (4:20)
Structuring navigation (4:43)
Completing the navigation bar (5:36)
Container types (8:28)
Rows and columns (9:06)
Responsiveness (8:30)
Creating a Website Template
Creating a template (6:48)
Column adjustments (7:41)
Sidebar list groups (4:49)
Content area and footer (4:34)
Understanding text template new, parse and execute keyword (15:47)
Basic usage of text templating (2:30)
OS package basics in Golang (1:50)
Using range keyword to apply slice (14:49)
Using variables in the template (6:45)
Seperating template file from go programming file (9:14)
Passing data to template file (4:17)
Using variables in template file (2:41)
Using slice in template (7:22)
Applying HTML tags (3:56)
Using maps in template (4:28)
Using structure in the template (9:57)
Understanding funcmap and funcs, applying builtin string functions (11:07)
Using custom functions (6:26)
Using if and else statements (10:04)
Using and or in template with if (8:27)
Using if else if and else (7:09)
Using greater than gt, less than lt, and equal to eq statement (7:40)
Nested templating (11:35)
Using method in template (4:46)
Converting gohtml file into html file (4:03)
Using nethttp package with listenandserve functions (10:35)
Request and response (13:53)
Dynamic live code reloading of web app by fresh plugin (15:48)
HTTP Status Codes
HTTP status codes part 1 (3:58)
HTTP status codes part 2 (10:19)
HTTP status codes part 3 (8:40)
HTTP status codes part 4 (16:58)
Switch statements part 1
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